Arquitectura Industrial I Molinos Industria harinera: Agua, Tipo y Técnica de la “Convocatoria nacional de apoyo y difusión de conocimiento mediante Proyectos de investigación, creación…

Growing interest in Industrial heritage in China is driving systematic research in the field. The current major study is a series of edited five volumes…

19th Century Petroleum Technology in North America (2007) by Emory L. Kemp and Michael W. Caplinger is available online to be downloaded as a PDF. Download…

The Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces has published the Seville Charter of Industrial Heritage 2018: the Challenges of the 21st Century. The 40-page document,…

Adhiriendo al mayor conocimiento y difusión de los valores patrimoniales de sitios, lugares y espacios que hayan formado parte del procesamiento de materias primas, productos…

都柏林准则 The Dublin Principles 国际古迹遗址理事会-国际工业遗产保护委员会联合准则:工业遗产、构筑物、区域和景观的保护 Joint ICOMOS – TICCIH Principles for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage Sites, Structures, Areas and Landscapes 2011年11月28日在17届国际古迹遗址理事会全体大会上通过 Adopted by the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly on…

Most of the TICCIH Congress Proceedings are now accessible online. Working with the staff at the library of Michigan Technological University, we have scanned the…

Conservation Bulletin 74 Streamlining Heritage Management Published 16 September 2015 Conservation Bulletin 744.87 MB This is the first Conservation Bulletin produced by Historic England. This…

Industrial Heritage in Denmark. Landscapes, Environments and Historical Archaeology Edited by Caspar Jorgensen and Morten Pedersen With contributions by Caspar Jørgensen, Morten Pedersen, Rene Schroeder…

Select image above for audiovisual tour West Point Foundry Listen and view the new audio visual tour the the West Point Foundry Preserve (located in…