Image above: The 125 HP stationary steam engine in the gunpowder factory at Vale de Milhaços, Corroios, Seixal, Portugal, built by Joseph Farcot, St. Ouen,…

Dear Colleague, Contributions are welcomed on any subject which will interest our members around the world. The new issue will cover steam engine research in…

Image above: Celebrations at the Petrila coal mine in Romania in 2013 hoped to use the mining heritage to help reboot the town. TICCIH Bulletin…

1st International Congress on Industrial Heritage and Public Works organized by the Foundation for Andalusian Industrial Heritage. The Congress will be held in Huelva (Spain)…

Guatemala 2016 VI MEETING ON INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE , 5 -7 October 2016 RAILROAD MUSEUM, Guatemala City. Contact: encuentroindustrial2016@gmail.com

TICCIH Bulletin email: editor@ticcih.org Contributions are welcomed on any subject which will interest our members around the world. The new issue will cover the international…

The congress will take place at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa installations. The de-industrialization phenomenon of recente decades has created a large number of vacant industrial…

Image above from Bulletin 71.. left image: “Clara, the last of the Kitson-type mountain locomotives used by the Cape Copper Company from 1893 to 1941….

The APAI – Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology and the MPOA – Portuguese Association of Museology, with Municipality of Silves, will hold a forum entitled…

Images above from Bulletin 70.. left image: “The study of the blast furnace at the abandoned Staroutkinsky ironworks (Russia)” photograph provided by Nadezhda Solonina and…