Heritage of the Water Industry - TICCIH Thematic Conference

Heritage of the Water Industry – TICCIH Thematic Conference

Historic Values of Supply and Treatment Networks

Museu Agbar de les Aigües
Barcelona, Spain
13 and 14 April 2018

Program and Online Inscription – Discount for TICCIH Members

Download Thematic Study

The modern infrastructure to supply water and to remove and treat waste was retro-fitted to towns and cities across the world, pulling them back from a sanitary crisis which was threatening to make life intolerable. Faced with industrialisation, miserable living conditions and repeated epidemics, water supply systems and drainage networks were devised and incorporated into urban landscapes. The impressive quality of their engineering and architectural design show how important they were for the societies of the time, and many continue to make a vital contribution to living conditions today.

The TICCIH thematic conference on the heritage of the water industry will put the water industry infrastructure into its historic technological and social context, examine the origins of the technical solutions that were developed, and compare how they were applied in different industrial cities around the world.

Presentations by international experts will examine how this historic infrastructure should be valued, and consider what is most significant about the heritage of the water industry. The conference is the concluding part of a thematic comparative study undertaken by TICCIH to define criteria which can be used to assess the heritage of the water industry and to identify its outstanding sites, including those which might be inscribed on the World Heritage list – dams, reservoirs and water towers, aqueducts, waterworks and pumping stations, filter and treatment works, and the networks of pipes and mains which connect them all together. Inscription: The inscription web site will be on line from 1 November. Full inscription will include the conference with lunch and refreshments, simultaneous translation (English/Catalan/Spanish), and the post-conference guided tour of historic water industry sites in Barcelona.

Inscription from 1 November 2017 – 28 February 2018. Full inscription will include the conference with lunch and refreshments, simultaneous translation (English/Catalan/Spanish), and the post-conference guided tour of historic water industry sites in Barcelona. Discount for TICCIH members.