Historic Textile Industries Go Global: Typology, Good Practice, and Global Perspectives for Conservation. Part II Wednesday, 9 June, 2021 Download Full Details as a PDF…
Gijón (Asturias), Spain 29 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2021 The XXIII International Conference on Industrial Heritage was held in a hybrid form, adapted to the…
The Textile Section of TICCIH has turned the disaster of CoVid-19 into an opportunity to engage in a wider way than many thought possible. Humboldt-Universität…
Apreciables colegas / Dear colleagues: Reciban un afectuoso saludo y los mejores deseos para ustedes y sus familias ante la actual situación sanitaria. A pesar…
The IXth Latin American TICCIH congress was celebrated in La Antigua, Guatemala, following up on the one held in Cuba in 2016. The 2019 congress…
TICCIH organisers and our hosts, Fairbank Oil, have been assessing developments in relation to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its unavoidable impact on our…
19th Century Petroleum Technology in North America (2007) by Emory L. Kemp and Michael W. Caplinger is available online to be downloaded as a PDF. Download…
The Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces has published the Seville Charter of Industrial Heritage 2018: the Challenges of the 21st Century. The 40-page document,…
Adhiriendo al mayor conocimiento y difusión de los valores patrimoniales de sitios, lugares y espacios que hayan formado parte del procesamiento de materias primas, productos…
En el Congreso XVII TICCIH 2018 desarrollado en Santiago de Chile participaron 39 países que son los siguientes: The following 39 countries participated in the…