TICCIH 2022 | Industrial Heritage Reloaded
From 28 August to 3 September 2022, the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of the Université du Québec à Montréal’s School of Management hosted the eighteenth International Congress of TICCIH, The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage, under the theme “Industrial Heritage Reloaded.”
Hundreds of participants from around the world came to Montréal for the Congress to take part in the renewal of research, policies and practices in industrial heritage and discuss the futures of industrial heritage.
Details about the TICCIH2022 Congress, including a schedule of congress sessions with abstracts as well as descriptions of associated events, can be found here: ticcih2022.com
Please follow this link to view video trailer for the Congress: https://vimeo.com/596947948/033d0b11db