FROM URBAN TO LANDSCAPE REGENERATION: NEW ROLES FOR THE INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE The seventh congress of TICCIH España was held 5-8 July in Coruña, Spain. Below is the…

Konferenz / Conference Kernkraftwerke. Denkmalwerte und Erhaltungschancen Nuclear Power Stations. Heritage Values and Preservation Perspectives Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, 20.-21. Oktober 2017 TAGUNGSPROGRAMM / Conference Program Der…

La Primera Circular Call For Papers (English) Ficha de Inscripcion / Registration Form El patrimonio industrial mexicano destaca por su amplitud y diversidad temática y…

This one-day Seminar will focus on the challenges facing the heritage sector in the conservation of historic industrial sites. The primary aim of the Seminar…

1st International Congress on Industrial Heritage and Public Works organized by the Foundation for Andalusian Industrial Heritage. The Congress will be held in Huelva (Spain)…

Guatemala 2016 VI MEETING ON INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE , 5 -7 October 2016 RAILROAD MUSEUM, Guatemala City. Contact: encuentroindustrial2016@gmail.com

The congress will take place at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa installations. The de-industrialization phenomenon of recente decades has created a large number of vacant industrial…

The APAI – Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology and the MPOA – Portuguese Association of Museology, with Municipality of Silves, will hold a forum entitled…

VIII Latin American Colloquium on the Industrial Heritage March 14 – 16, 2016. Havana, Cuba SECOND CALL PDF about Colloquium, Call for Papers and Registration…

Call for Papers/Call for Participation in the Conference Programme PRO TORPEDO Rijeka, Croatia PDF of Call for Papers Conference web site: torpedo150rijeka.org 7th International Industrial…