
[wpcol_2third id=”” class=”” style=””]

[wpspoiler name=”Argentina” ]

National Representative Mónica Rossana Ferrari, President of TICCIH Argentina.,
National Report
National Association TICCIH Argentina
Conferences CEDODAL
Centro de Documentacion de Arquitectura Latinoamericana.
National Commission of Museums, Monuments and Historic Places.
Centro de Documentacion de Arquitectura Latinoamericana.
National Commission of Museums, Monuments and Historic Places.
Industrial Museums Museo Ferroviario (Railways Museum)
Museo del Patrimonio de las Aguas (Museum of Running Water)
Bibliography AAVV: Preservación de la arquitectura industrial en Iberoamérica y España. Colección Cuadernos de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía, Granada, Comares, 2001.CICOP, Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio: Patrimonio Industrial. Fuerza y riqueza del trabajo colectivo, Buenos Aires, 2003.Construcción de la Ciudad, Barcelona, Nº 19, noviembre 1981.GUTIÉRREZ, Ramón (coord.), Miradas sobre el patrimonio industrial, Buenos Aires, CEDODAL, 2007. ISBN: 978-987-1033-23-2El Palacio de las Aguas Corrientes. Monumento Histórico Nacional. Buenos Aires, Aguas Argentinas, 1996.PATERLINI DE KOCH, Olga: Pueblos azucareros de Tucumán, Tucumán, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Historia de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo, 1987.TARTARINI, Jorge, Arquitectura ferroviaria, Buenos Aires, Colihue, 2000.VIÑUALES, Graciela María: ?Las industrias y sus transformaciones?, Summa, Buenos Aires, Nº. 262, junio 1989, pp 50- 55.VIÑUALES, Graciela María: ?La Escondida. La Industria como génesis de un pueblo?, Summa, Buenos Aires, Nº 275, julio 1990, pp.93-95.


[wpspoiler name=”Australia” ]

National Representative

Helen Lardner
HLCD Pty Ltd
Level 1, 808 Glenferrie Road
VIC 3122


National Association TICCIH AUSTRALIA Two meetings have been held of the TICCIH Australia group and a third is planned in November 2008. A discussion group (in English) can be found at
TICCIH in OZ The moderator is Dr Iain Stuart at and anyone is welcome to join.
Documentation The proceedings of the first “BigStuff: conservation of large technology objects” workshop in Canberra in September – October 2004.


[wpspoiler name=”Austria” ]

National Representative Dr Guenter Dinhobl
Radetzkystr. 62,
2500 Baden bei Wien
Historic Sites Four famous historic sites


[wpspoiler name=”Belgium” ]

National Representative Jean-Louis Delaet
Director, Le Bois du Cazier
Charlerois, Belgium
National Report Scholliers P. & Viaene P., “National Report for Belgium´´: in: Industrial Patrimony (Resources, Practices, Cultures) 8, 2006, pp.29-35
National Association TICCIH Belgium
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
History Department
Pleinlaan, 2
1050 Brussel associations
Steunpunt Industrieel en Wetenschappelijk Erfgoed (SIWE)
Patrimoine Industriel Wallonnie – Bruxelles 
Journal SIWE-Magazine
Patrimonie Industriel Wallonie newsletter
Les Cahiers de la Fonderie
Tijdschrift Industriële Cultuur
Monumenten & Landschappen
Conservation Vlaams Instituut Onroerend erfgoed
Monuments and Sites Division of the Flemish government (Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap)
Division du Patrimoine de Bruxelles
Division du Patrimoine de Wallonnie
Internet Vrije University Brussels-Industrial Archaeology and Industrial Heritage
Industrial and Technical Heritage in Flanders
Documentation Vlaams Instituut Onroerend erfgoed
Division du Patrimonie de Bruxelles
Division du Patrimonie de Wallonie
Bibliography on-line Bibliography on Industrial Archaeology and Industrial Heritage
Genicot L.F. & Hendrickx J.P., Wallonie-Bruxelles: Berceau de l’industrie sur le continnt Européen (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1990)
Nijhof E.&Scholliers P.(eds), Het tijdperk van de machine (Brussel 1996)
Van Malderen L., Archéologie industrielle en Belgique (Bruxelles 2002)
Viaene P., Industriële archeologie in België (Ghent 1990).
Historic Sites &  Museums Canal du Centre
Tour & Taxis, Brussels
Le Grand Hornu
WIELS (Brussels, Museum of Contemporary Art)
MIAT (Ghent, the Museum of Industrial Archaeology & Textiles
Musée du Verre, Charleroi Maison de la Métallurgie, Liège
MAS-Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp


[wpspoiler name=”Brazil” ]

National Representative Professor Dr. Cristina Meneguello
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Departamento de História
Caixa Postal 6110
13083-970 – Campinas – SP
T:+55 (19) 3251575
National Report
National report to TICCIH Congress 2006


[wpspoiler name=”Canada” ]

National Correspondent National Correspondent for Canada: John Kneale,, President of the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre, in Brantford, Ontario.
National & Regional Associations


[wpspoiler name=”Chile” ]

National Representative Dr. Jaime Migone Rettig
Presidente TICCIH-Chile
Pedro de Valvidia 1080
Providencia CP 7510607
Santiago de Chile
Tel:+56-2-71 690 56
Fax: +56-2-71 690 56
National Report
National Report Chile, 2006
National Association TICCIH Chile, National Committee of Chile for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage
Conservation Consejo de Monumentos de Chile
Industrial Museums Sewell Mining Town
Oficina Salitrera Humberstone
Oficina Salitrera Santa Laura (album desierto)
Santa Laura
Museo Nacional Ferroviario Pablo Neruda
Internet Album Desierto
National Monuments, Chile
Bibliography “Estado de Situación de la Conservación del Patrimonio Construido en Chile – Informe Preliminar” Jaime Migone, A. Pirozzi. Ediciones de la Universidad Internacional SEK. Santiago, Abril, 1996. ISBN 956-7137-12-9.”Ascensores de Valparaíso – Valor de un Patrimonio olvidado”. Jaime Migone, A. Pirozzi. Ediciones CONPAL-Chile. Santiago, Mayo, 1998. ISBN 956-7792-00-3″Guía de Monumentos Históricos en el Centro de Santiago”, Ed. CONPAL-Chile, Corporación para el Desarrollo de Santiago. Enero, 1999. Reg. Prop. Intelectual Nº107.513.”Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural – Cartas y Recomendaciones Internacionales”. Jaime Migone, A. Pirozzi. Ediciones CONPAL-Chile / Universidad Central. Santiago, Julio 1999. ISBN 956-7134-22-7.”Catedral de Santiago, Monumento Nacional en Riesgo”. Jaime Migone, A. Pirozzi. Ediciones CONPAL-Chile, Universidad Central de Chile. Santiago, Mayo, 2001. Reg. Prop. Intelectual Nº 119.694 / I.S.B.N. 956-7134-32-4
+ “Tercer Coloquio Latinoamericano sobre Rescate y Presevación del Patrimonio Industrial” “. Jaime Migone, A. Pirozzi. Ediciones CONPAL-Chile, Reg. Prop. Intelectual Nº 121.534 Primera Edición, Agosto 2001.“Museo Histórico y Militar de Chile, Un patrimonio nacional” “. Jaime Migone Rettig. Ediciones Universidad Central de Chile, Reg. Prop. Intelectual Nº 128.583 Primera Edición, Octubre 2002. . ISBN 956-291-522-0“Preinventario para la Catalogación del Patrimonio Industrial Chileno” Jaime Migone Rettig Ediciones Universidad Central de Chile, Reg. Prop. Intelectual Nº 133.601 Primera Edición, Agosto 2003. ISBN 956-291-812-2
«Patrimonio Arquitectónico: Fuente de Nueva Arquitectura / Segundo Seminario Internacional» Jaime Migone Rettig
Registro de Propiedad Intelectual: 136.203.- I.S.B.N.: 956-291-988-9 Santiago de Chile – Noviembre de 2003.“Archeología Industriale, Esperienze per la Valorizzazione in Cile e in Sardegna” Carlo Aymerich, Jaime Migone Rettig, Monica Stochino. Gangemi Editore. Novembre 2003. ISBN 88+492-0513-9“Arqueología Industrial en Italia y Chile, Documentación y Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio” Carlo Aymerich, Jaime Migone Rettig, Monica Stochino. Santiago de Chile. Julio de 2004. ISBN 956-299-215-2 Reg.Prop.Int. Nº 140.196“Atlante del Restauro” Giovanni Carbonara – Volume Ottavo – Tomo Secondo – Sezione G: Interventi sugli elementi dell’edificio – Progetto di Valorizzazione degli ascensori e delle funicolari di Valparaiso – Jaime Migone Pag. 769-773 / Unione Tipografico Editrice Torinese 2004/ ISBN 88-02-06120-3“Congreso Internacional. Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio Industrial. Sitios, Museos y Casos”. Marco Piras, Monica Stochino y Jaime Migone. Marzo 2006. Pags. 1035. ISBN 956-319-072-7 Registro de Propiedad Intelectual Nº 153.127 Editor Jaime Migone Rettig
Historic Sites Funiculars of the city of Valparaiso
City of Valparaiso
The Central Railway Station of Santiago – Presented and included in the 1998-1999 List of Endangered Heritage Sites of the WMF.
The Lamarhue Water Wheels – List of endangered Heritage of the WMF.


[wpspoiler name=”China” ]

National Representative Liu Boying
Professor of Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Chairman of the Industrial Heritage Committee under Cultural Relic Academy China
National Association  


[wpspoiler name=”Colombia” ]

National Representative  
National Association  


[wpspoiler name=”Croatia” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified
National Association Pro Torpedo – Association for Promotion and Protection of Rijeka’s Industrial Heritage (Croatia) has changed. Our new adress is:
Industrial Museums Maritime Museum, Dubrovnik
Technical Museum, Zagreb
Documentation Museum Documentation Centre


[wpspoiler name=”Cyprus (Corresponding Nation)” ]

National Correspondent Prof. Dr. Sebnem Onal Hoskara
Department of Architecture
Eastern Mediterranean University
North Cyprus
T: +90 392 6302588 
  • Bi-communal Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage in Cyprus
  • Europa Nostra Cyprus
  • ICOMOS Cyprus Section
  • Center for Cultural Heritage
  • Cyprus Architectural Heritage Organization
  • Magusa Surici Dernegi (MASDER)
Education MS in Cultural Heritage Studies at Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University – EMU (in collaboration with METU and Politecnico di Milano

Various courses realted to cultural heritage in gemneral and industrial heritage in particular in Masters and PhD programs of Department of Architecture and Department of Interior Architecture at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)

ARCH530 – Renovation of Old Buildings for Contemporary Uses
ARCH552 – Contemporary Approaches in Architectural Conservation
ARCH555 – Practice and Implementations on Regeneration
ARCH556 – Conservation and Design in Historic Environment
ARCH557 – Urban Conservation
ARCH574 – Re-Use of Existing Buildings
ARCH576 – Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings
ARCH578 – Conservation of Industrial Buildings: Process and Approaches
ARCH593 – New Buildings in Historic Environment
INAR 506 – Renovation Practices
INAR 524 – Conservation and Renovation Concepts for Historical Buildings


Bibliography Comert, N.Z. & Hoskara, S. (2013), ‘Typo-morphology of the CMC Industrial Housing in Lefke, Northern Cyprus’, Open House International, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 16-36.

Gunce, K. & Mısırlısoy, D. (2015), ‘Questioning the Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage and Its Interventions in the Context of Sustainability’, Sociology, Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp. 718-727.

Gunce, K. & Hoskara, S. (2009), ‘New Life for the Industrial Heritage in North Cyprus’, Proceedings: International Symposium on ‘Revitalizing Built Environments: Re-qualifying Old Places for New Uses’, jointly organized by IAPS-CSBE ‘Culture & Space in the Built Environment Network’ and the IAPS – HOUSING Network, 12-16 October 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

Misirlisoy, D. & Gunce, K. (2016),Adaptive Reuse Strategies for Heritage Buildings: A Holistic Approach’, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume: 26, pp. 91-98, DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2016.05.017

Mısırlısoy, D. and Günçe, K. (2017), ‘Conservation strategies for Railway Heritage of Cyprus’, ICONARCH – III International Congress of Architecture: Memory of Place in Architecture and Planning, 11-13 May 2017, Konya, Turkey.

Philokyprou, M. & Limbouri-Kozakou, E. (2015), ‘An Overview of the Restoration of Monuments and Listed Buildings in Cyprus from Antiquity Until the Twenty-First Century’, Studies in Conservation, 60:4, 267-277, DOI: 10.1179/2047058414Y.0000000136

Soyel, N.T. & Ahunbay, Z., (2011), ‘Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki Tarihi Su Değirmenlerinin Koruma ve Yeniden Kullanım Önerileri’ (Proposals for conservation and adaptive re-use of water mills in Northern Cyprus), ITU Jorunal Series A: Architecture, Istanbul

Vehbi, B.O, Yüceer, H. & Hurol, Y. (2018), ‘New Uses for Traditional Buildings: Olive Oil Mills for the Karpas Peninsula’, Cyprus, The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 0:0, pages 1-25.

Vehbi, B.O., Yuceer, H. & Hurol, Y. (2016), ‘Rural Carob Warehouses in Cyprus: An Assessment of Architectural and Structural Characteristics’, Journal of Architectural Conservation, August 2016, 22(1): 18-47, DOI: 10.1080/13556207.2016.1208473

Yüceer, H., Vehbi, B.O & Hurol, Y. (2018) ‘The Conservation of Traditional Olive Oil Mills in Cyprus’, Journal of Architectural Conservation, 24:2, 105-133, DOI: 10.1080/13556207.2018.1483551

Yüceer, H. & Vehbi, B.O. (2014), ‘Adaptive Reuse of Carob Warehouses in Northern Cyprus’, Open House International, Vol 39, Issue 4, 65-77

Historic Sites The main historic industrial heritage in Northern Cyprus:

  1. Sanayi Holding Türkteks Buildings – Textile & Oil Factory (now used as Devlet Emlak Malzeme Dairesi – Government Office and Koop-Bank Storage), Nicosia
  2. Tobacco Factory (now used as TRNC Parliament Building), Nicosia
  3. Shewson Textile Factory (abandoned), Nicosia
  4. ARUN Flour Factory (still in its original use), Nicosia
  5. Bixi-cola (juice) Factory (now used as an office building), Nicosia
  6. Severis Flour Factory (demolished), Nicosia
  7. Toros Textile Factory, Dereboyu Koskluciftlik, Nicosia
  8. Biscuit Factory, Haspolat / Nicosia
  9. Mattress Factory, Haspolat / Nicosia
  10. Plastic Products (pvc) Factory, Haspolat / Nicosia
  11. Alba Textile (Shirt) Factory, Haspolat / Nicosia
  12. Harika Detergent Factory (still in its original use), Harika Region, Famagusta
  13. Textile (Socks) Factory (now used as storage), Maras, Famagusta
  14. Sanayi Holding Textile Factory (), Maras, Famagusta
  15. Flour Factory, Larnaca Street, Famagusta
  16. Ece Biscuit Factory (still in its original use), Larnaca Street, Famagusta
  17. Citrus Fruits & Potatos Packageing Factory (abandoned), Larnaca Street, Famagusta
  18. Sponge (Sünger) Factory (abandoned), Famagusta
  19. Ten Ten Cips Factory (still in its original use), Tuzla, Famagusta
  20. Nar-Pak – Citrus Fruits Package Factory (abandoned), Tuzla, Famagusta
  21. PVC Pipe Factory (abandoned), EMU Campus, Famagusta
  22. Zeyko Oil Factory (abandoned, damaged, demolished – only chimney left), Kyrenia
  23. Olive Oil Factory (abandoned, damaged, demolished), Bellapais / Kyrenia
  24. Carrop Production Workshop (abandoned, damaged, demolished), Ozankoy / Kyrenia
  25. CMC (Copper Mine Cooperation) and its Housing District (abandoned and used as housing), Lefke / Güzelyurt
  26. Cypruvex Citrus Fruits Package Factory (now used as an agricultural research center of Lefke European University), Güzelyurt
  27. Tobacco Factory (to be turned into a university building – ITU), Yenierenköy / İskele
  28. Tobacco Storage Building (now partially used as a Cultural Center), Yenierenköy Village / İskele
  29. Tobacco Factory & Storage Buildings (abandoned), Dipkarpaz Village / İskele
  30. Various Rural Carob Warehouses
  31. Various Olive Oil Mills
  32. Various Water Mills


[wpspoiler name=”Czech Republic” ]
Czech Republic

National Representative Dr. Benjamin Fragner
Research Centre for Industrial Heritage
(VCPD) – Czech Technical University
Pod Juliskou 4 , Praha 6,
CZ 166 34
Czech Republic
T: +420 220 395156
National Report National Report for the TICCIH 2006 Congress
Conferences 4th International Biennial Vestiges of Industry 2007
Conservation VCPD
Research Centre for Industrial Heritage, an independent research body of the Czech Technical University of Prague.
Heritage Conservation Department, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Inventory Register of Industrial Heritage Buildings and Sites (A Project of the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage at the CzechTechnical University)
Industrial Museums Ekotechnické Muzeum (Ecotechnical Museum, Prague)
Mining Museum, Pribram
Brewery Museum, Pilsen
Mining Museum, Ostrava
Michal Mine, Ostrava
Miner’s Museum, Mayrau Open-air Museum, Solvay’s Quarry
National Technical Museum
Technical Museum, Brno
Education VCPD
Doctoral study in connection with the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Civil Engineering.(Sustainable Development and Industrial Heritage).
Internet Heritage Conservation Department, Ministry of Culture
Bibliography Hana Hlušičková (ed.), Technické památky v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku. I.-IV (Technical Monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Vols. I-IV). Prague 2001, 2002, 2003,2004.
Vladislava Valchářová (ed.), Industriální stopy: Dvanáct ohrožených. (Vestiges of Industry. Twelve at Risk) VCPD ČVUT. Prague 2003.
Mojmír Krejčiřík, Česká nádraží – architektura a stavební vývoj, I., II. (Czech Railway
Stations – architecture and development, Vols. I-II). Litoměřice 2003, 2005.
Pavel Jákl, Encyklopedie pivovarů Čech, Moravy a Slezska.I.(Encyklopedia of Czech,
Moravian and Silesian Breweries. Vol. I.). Prague 2004.
Kol. autorů, Stavební kniha 2005. Meziválečná průmyslová architektura (Book of
Construction 2005. Interwar Industrial Architecture). Brno 2005.
Benjamin Fragner – Alena Hanzlová, Industriální stopy / Vestiges of Industry. Exhibition volume. Prague 2005.
Lukáš Beran – Vladislava Valchářová (eds.), Industrial Prague. Technical Buildings and
Industrial Architecture in Prague. VCPDCTU. Prague 2006.
Eva Dvořáková – Benjamin Fragner – Tomáš Šenberger, Industriál_paměť_východiska (Industry_memory_perception). Prague 2007.
Kol. autorů, Stavební kniha 2007. České a moravské pivovary.Stavební dědictví
tradičního výrobního odvětví (Book of Constructions 2007. Breweries in Bohemia
and Moravia. The structural heritage of traditional production sectors). Brno 2007.
Lukáš Beran – Vladislava Valchářová (eds.), Industriál Libereckého kraje. Technické
stavby a průmyslová architektura (Industrial Liberec Region. Technical Buildings
and Industrial Architecture in Liberec Region).VCPD ČVUT. Prague 2007.
Historic Sites Waterworks in Prague-Podoli
Sewage Plant in Bubenec, Prague
Textile Factory in Chrastava
Waterworks in Podebrady
Ironworks in Kladno
Ironworks in Ostrava-Vitkovice
Brewery in Prague – Branik
Brewery in Žatec


[wpspoiler name=”Denmark” ]

National Representative Frank Allan Rasmussen
Director, Frederiksværk Museum of Industry
Jernbanegade 4
DK-3300 Frederiksværk
National Association Selskabet til bevaring af industrimiljøer Society for the Preservation of the Industrial Heritage
Journal Fabrik & Bolig (Factory & Dwelling)
The 8-page newsletter of the Society for the Preservation of the Industrial Heritage Selskabet til bevaring af industrimiljøer is the only periodical of its kind in the Nordic countries. Members eceive two a year (subscribers can choose a pdf-version by e-mail) and an annual journal for 150 Dkr. ($25/€20).
The journal mainly publishes scholarly articles, such as the adaptive reuse of the large paper mill at Silkeborg, the struggle to decide the railway system in Copenhagen in the late 19th century, and a “modern” kind of industrial archaeology drawing on oral sources, written sources and documentation of the physical remains of the post-war handicraft village at Greve near Copenhagen. 2006 articles will deal with the excavation of the Copper Works in Frederiksværk. Copies from the editor:
Conservation Industrial Heritage in Denmark: 2003
Publications Industrial Heritage in Denmark. Landscapes, Environments and Historical Archaeology
Industrial Museums Frederiksvaerk Museum of Industry


[wpspoiler name=”Egypt” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified


[wpspoiler name=”Estonia” ]

National Representative Henry Kuningas
Henry Kuningas
(TICCIH Correspondent)
Tallinn Cultural Heritage Department
Raekoja plats 12
Tallinn 10146


[wpspoiler name=”Finland” ]

National Representative Hanna-Kaisa Melaranta
National Association National association:
TICCIH Finland


[wpspoiler name=”France” ]

National Representative Dr. Geneviève DUFRESNE
4 rue Jean Moulin
28 300 AMILLY
T: +33(0) 9 63 49 14 68
National Association CILAC: Comité d’information et de liaison et de promotion de l’archéologie industrielle
Secrétaire général, BP 251, 56007 Vannes Cedex, France,
The national associaiton for industrial archaeology in France with more than 500m members,who get an annual conference, a journal (see below) twice a year and an electronic newsletter that is sent out every so often. Individual members €16, students€10, corporate €40.
Journal Archaeologie Industrielle en France
Glossy magazine (no peer review) comes out twice yearly, usually themed (eg. Paper industry, 2005/2), with news of CILAC activities.
Conservation • Université de Bourgogne (Antenne de la Communauté urbaine Le Creusot-Montceau-les-Mines): Management and assessment of industrial heritage
• University of technology of Belfort-Montbéliard: Industrial history
• Université d’Artois: Assessment and management of industrial and technical heritage
• Conservatoire national des arts et métiers in Paris (CNAM): BA in Communication, assessment, museology in industrial, scientific and technical heritage
Internet CILAC: the database


[wpspoiler name=”Germany” ]

National Representative Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Tempel
Technik & Restaurierungswerkstätten
Grubenweg 5,
D-44388 Dortmund
Tel #49 (0)231 6961137
Fax #49 (0)231 6961114
National Report Published in Patrimoine de L’Industrie 15/2006 (1997-2000, 2000-2003, 2003-2006)
National Association TICCIH Germany(c/o Norbert Tempel, Westfälisches Industriemuseum, Dortmund)
Conferences Large Technology Objects: Beyond Conservation – Industrial Heritage Management
World Congress of Industrial Archaeology, TICCIH 2009, Freiberg
Journal Industrie-kultur
A joint production by the two museum networks in the Rhineland, the Rheinisches Industriemuseum (RIM) and the Westfälisches Industriemuseum (WIM). Industrie-kultur combines the function of both journal and newsletter in one quarterly publication. The result is a readable and very informative magazine with high standards of production. German language, 58pp, €6, ISSN 0949-3751Freiberg Mining Academy Journal
Der Anschnitt
Industrial Museums Rheinisches Industriemuseum (RIM)
Westfälisches Industriemuseum (WIM)
Sächsisches Industriemuseum Chemnitz
WestsächsischesTextilmuseum Crimmitschau
Brandenburgisches Textilmuseum Forst (Lausitz)
Nordwolle Delmenhorst, Nordwestdeutsches Museum für IndustrieKultur
Museum Industriekultur, Nuremberg
Deutsches Museum, Munich
Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit, Mannheim
Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg
Deutsches Bergbaumuseum, Bochum
Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven
Museum Rammelsberg
Education Technical University of Freiberg, Institute for History of Science and Technology (IHST) and the Chair for History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology
Cottbus Technical University, World Heritage Studies – Master of Arts
Bibliography Lutz Beukert ea: Industriedenkmale in Deutschland; Rostock 1999:Redieck&Schade
Alexander Kierdorf und Uta Hassler: Denkmale des Industriezeitalters. Von der Geschicte des Umgangs mit Industriekultur; Tübingen and Berlin 2000
Sabine Beneke and Hans Ottomeyer (Deutsches Historisches Museum, ed): Die Zweite Schöpfung. Bilder der industriellen Welt vom 18.Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart;Berlin 2002
Forum Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur, No 1/2002: Welterbe Industrielle Kulturlandschaft Zollverein;Essen 2002
Vera Nienkemper-Hausmann: Textilfabriken in Rheine; Dortmund 2000
Historic Sites Völklingen Ironworks
Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Blast Furnace Works
Rammelsberg Mine
Harz Mountains and Erzgebirge mining districts
Fagus Shoe Factory
Hamburg Speicherstadt


[wpspoiler name=”Greece” ]

National Representative Helen Beneki
National Association
Inventory Data base of the MInistry of Culture
Industrial Museums Industrial Gasworks Museum
Mineralogical Museum of Lavrion
Museum of Industrial Olive Oil Production, Lesvos 
Museum of the Olive and the Greek Olive Oil, Sparta
Open-air Water Museum, Edessa
Open-air Water Power Museum, Dimitsana
Salt Museum, Mitilene
Silk Museum, Soufli
Education School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens – Postgraduate Course on the Conservation and Restauration of Historical Buildings and Monuments
Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, School of Architecture: Interdisciplinary programme “Protection, Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Monuments”
Network of Environmental Education : Educational Programmes regarding Industrial Heritage for primary and high- school students.
Internet Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation(PIOP)
Odysseus, the www server of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture
Documentation Introduction of the History of the Industrial Heritage in Greece
The MInistry of Culture has prepared since the late 1980’s recording cards for the inventory of the Industrial Heritage.
The National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture– The Laboratory for Urban Environment, is developing, since 2005, a data base for the Industrial Heritage in Greece.
The Institute for Neohellenic Research (part of the National Research Center) has created several specialized data bases on thematic fields regarding Industrial Heritage.
Bibliography ΥΠ.ΠΟ., Βιομηχανική Αρχαιολογία, Αθήνα 1989. (Industrial Archaeology) (in Greek)
Ε.Μ.Π.-Κ.Ν.Ε./Ε.Ι.Ε., (επιστ. Υπεύθυνοι Γ. Πολύζος, Β. Παναγιωτόπουλος), Ιστορικός Βιομηχανικός Εξοπλισμός στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα 1998. (Industrial Historical Equipment in Greece) (in Greek with English Summary)
ΥΠ.ΠΟ./ΔΙΛΑΜ-ΕΝΜ, Βιομηχανικά μνημεία της Ελλάδας, Αθήνα, 1999. (Industrial Monuments of Greece) (in Greek)
Maritime Technologies-Mining Landscapes, TICCIH 10th International Conference, Athens-Thessaloniki 1997, Transactions, ed. TICCIH Greek Edition, ed. Agriantoni C.
Agriantoni, Christina (1994), Spaniolika et Kyprianos: deux petites cit és ouvrières à Lavrion. Laon, CILAC, p.143-152, L’Archéologie Industrielle en France. 24-25
Agriantoni, Christina (2000), Valorisation du Patrimoine Industriel de Thermoupolis, Projets et Premiéres Réalisations. Le Creusot, TICCIH, Ecomusée CULD,Patrimoine de l’Industrie: Ressources, Pratiques, Cultures v4, 2000 p.55-62
Belavilas, NIkos (2002), The Port of Piraeus from 1835 to 2004. Paris, TICCIH, 2002 p.75-82
Demiri K. (1992), Greek Textile Mills, Historical and Typological Research, Athens, eds. PIOP (in Greek with English Summary)
Georgoulis, Panagiotis (2005), Industrial Heritage of Thessaloniki: from the 19th till the mid of the 20th century
Limona-Trebela, Eleni (1983), Windmills of the Aegean Sea. Reading, TIMS, 1983.27, illus. (eng), Already published in Texnika Xronika, vol. 4, 574.
Vaos Z., Nomikos S., (1993), Windmills of the Cycladic Islands, eds. Dodoni, (in Greek with English Summary)
Zacharopoulou, Georgia (2004), Towards the “intergrated conservation” of the “lime village”: Asvestochori, Thessaloniki, Greece. Paris, TICCIH, 2004 p.98-107 (Patrimoine de l’Industrie: Ressources, Pratiques, Cultures 11)
Historic Sites Pendeli Quarry, Athens
Lavrion Mines (Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park)
Technopolis and the Old Gas Factory, Athens
List of Industrial Monuments and Workshops in Greece, from the Hellenic MInistry of Culture
Lake Copais Co. Waterworks Area (Aliartos and Orthomenos)
Edessa Textile Factories and Pre-Industrial Waterpowered Mills Area (Central Macedonia)
Textile Factories in the City of Naoussa (Central Macedonia)
Old Port Area, Customs House and Warehouses in Thessaloniki
Tobacco Warehouses in the cities of Xanthi, Drama, Kavala and Volos
Silk Production Houses, Warehouses and Silk Textile Factory in Soufli (Trace)
Olive-oil Presses, Soap Factories and Tanneries in the Island of Lesvos
Pre-Industrial Waterpowered Mills and Stone bridges in Epirus
Railways network in Thessaly and Mount Pelion narrow gorge line (Volos -Milies line)
Wine Production complex in Patras (Peloponnese)
Railways network in Peloponnese
Lighthouses network in the Aegean Islands
Wind-Mills in the Aegean Islands
Ship yard and Old Industrial Zone in Hermoupolis, Syros (Cyclades Islands)


[wpspoiler name=”Guatemala” ]

National Representative Rubén Larios
National Association Industrial Heritage Commission of a larger NGO called Asociación para el Desarrollo de Guatemala, or ASODEGUA


[wpspoiler name=”Hungary” ]

National Representative Dr. Györgyi Nemeth
Associate Professor,
Department of. Hungarian History,
University of Miskolc,
H-3515 Egyetemváros
T:+36 46361372


[wpspoiler name=”India” ]

National Correspondent Moulshri Joshi
C- 9, 9812, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi, Delhi 110070, India
National Report
National Association
Historic Sites Darjeeling Hill Railways
Nigiri Hill Railways


[wpspoiler name=”Iran” ]


National Representative Dr Pirouz Hanachi
Department of Architectural and Urban Conservation, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts
University of Tehran
Enqelab St., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +982161112534
National Association  TICCIH Iran
Education  Research Institute of Culture and Arts – University of Tehran (RICA-UT)


[wpspoiler name=”Ireland” ]

National Representative Mary McMahon
Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland
c/o Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering,
Museum Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
National Report
National Association Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland ( IHAI was established in 1996 as an all-Ireland body to foster an awareness and appreciation among the general public of Ireland’s rich and diverse industrial legacy and to encourage its protection by the relevant statutory authorities. Since its formation the IHAI has sought to function as a link between government organisations, NGOs, and individuals working in the field. By providing opportunities for open discussion and debate the IHAI advances awareness, enjoyment, and conservation of the many facets of industrial heritage. The IHAI organises conferences, workshops, field tours, and lectures.
Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland Ltd
Museum Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2
T: +353 1 8962544;
Journal IHAI Newsletter
The IHAI produces a newsletter three times a year, which chronicles the activities of the IHAI and the IH sector in Ireland. Past issues of the newsletter are archived and made accessible to the general public on the IHAI website. They have also produced a number of publications including conference proceedings, the most recent being Archaeology of Irish Industry: Recent Excavations. Other titles include The Industrial Heritage of North East Ireland, Recording and Conserving Ireland’s Industrial Heritage: An Introductory Guide, Power from Steam, and Taking Stock of Ireland’s Industrial Heritage.
Industrial Museums For useful links, go to


[wpspoiler name=”Italy” ]

National Representative Prof. Massimo Preite
Via Fiesolana 32
50122 Florence,Italy
Office telephone: +39 055 2478948
Mobile: +39 348 5301433
National Report  NRepItaly
National Association AIPAI Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Arche.
Industrial Museums Mutiv network museum
Schio Industrial Heritage
Museo Nazionale della Scienze e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci
Italian museum of cast iron
Crespi d’Adda
>Associazione Villaggio Crespi – Crespi d’Adda
Internet Istituzione che si occupano di Archeologia Industriale e Storia del Lavoro
Sicily Industrial Archaeology
Centro Internazionale Città d’Acqua
> DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi


[wpspoiler name=”Japan” ]

National Representative Dr. Toshitaka Matsuura 
Professor,  Center for GUNMA Studies
GUNMA Prefectural Women’s University
1395-1 Kaminote
Tamamura-machi, Gunma  370-1193
National Report National Report 2006
National Association Sangyo Kokogakkai
Japan Industrial Archaeology Society
c/o Plus-One Co. Ltd/Koyasu Bldg. 6F
1-12-5 Yushima,
Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113-0034
Conferences TICCIH 2005 Nagoya/Aich Congress
Journal Sangyo Kokogaku
Industrial Archaeology Journal
Conservation Agency for Cultural Affairs
Inventory JIAS-Japan Industrial Archaeology Society
Industrial Museums Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum
Internet JIAS-Japan Industrial Archaeology Society
Chubu Society for Industrial Heritage
Agency for Cultural Affairs
Short History of Japanese Technology Industrial Heritage of Japan (in Japanese)
Bibliography TICCIH Japan Committee, JIAS&CSIH (ed.), TICCIH Intermediate Conference 2005& International Forum for Industrial Tourism in Nagoya/Aichi, Transactions. Nagoya 2005 ISBN4-901730-59-2
JIAS (+H. Uchida, R. Kaneko & T. Kuroiwa) ed., Nihon no Sangyo-Isan 300-sen (1) (300 Japanese Industrial Heritage, Book 1), Tokyo (Dohbunkan Press), 1993
JIAS (+H. Uchida, R. Kaneko & K. Maeda) ed., Nihon no Sangyo-Isan 300-sen (2) (300 Japanese Industrial Heritage, Book 2), Tokyo (Dohbunkan Press), 1994
JIAS (+H. Uchida, R. Kaneko & T. Ohtsuki) ed., Nihon no Sangyo-Isan 300-sen (3) (300 Japanese Industrial Heritage, Book 3), Tokyo (Dohbunkan Press), 1994


[wpspoiler name=”Latvia” ]

National Representative Andris BIEDRINS
Industrial Heritage Trust of Latvia
Chairman of Board
Viestura prospekts 17-2
Riga LV 1005,
T: +371 29531097
National Association Industrial Heritage of Latvia
Conferences Industrial Heritage Trust of Latvia
State Inspection for Cultural Heritage Protection
Riga City Council
Conservation State Inspection for Cultural Heritage Protection with inspectors in each region of Latvia
Industrial Museums Riga Motormuseum
Latvian Railway History Museum
Gulbene-Aluksne Narrow Gauge Railway
Riga Water Supply Museum in Baltezers
Zemgale Farmstead and Agricultural Machinery Museum
Internet Industrial Heritage of Latvia
Public Administration of Cultural heritage
Documentation Riga Charter on conservation of railway heritage, issued by Fedecrail
Bibliography Andris Biedrins, Edvins Liepins Guide to Industrial Heritage of Latvia. Riga, 2002


[wpspoiler name=”Mexico” ]

National Representative
Belem Oviedo (
National Association TICCIH Mèxico
TICCIH Mexico President: Iván Hernández Ibar
Documentation  Agreement TICCIH-TICCIH MexicoLa Carta de Monterrey sobre “Conservación del Patrimonio Industrial”


[wpspoiler name=”Morocco” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified


[wpspoiler name=”Netherlands” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified
National Association FIEN (Federatie Industrieel Erfgoed Nederland)
The FIEN federation has about 65 organizations attached of which several also publish journals and newsletters, some regional (The Hague, Deventer, Zaanstreek), some thematic (Trains, Trams, Cars, Busses, Bridges).
Journal  Erfgoed
Erfgoed van industrie en techniek (Technical and Industrial Heritage) is a quarterly magazine published in Flemish. It is a co-production by the Dutch organisation ‘Stichting Erfgoed’ and the Belgium (Flemish) organisation VVIA. FIEN also participates in the magazine. ISSN 0927 3026


[wpspoiler name=”Norway” ]

National Representative Gustav Rossnes
Kristiansandsgate 12 B
Oslo  MI
National Report Rossness, G. (2006). National Reports presented on the occasion of TICCIH XIIIth Congress, Terni-Rome, 14-18 September 2006. National Report for Norway.
Patrimoine de L’Industrie/Industrial Patrimony, /(15), 175-184.
National Association Norway TICCIH not active
Conferences TICCIH Norway
Norsk Bergverksmuseum (mining)
Conservation ICOMOS Norge
Fortidsminneforeningen/The Society for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient Monuments
Inventory  Directorate for Cultural Heritage
Internet Directorate for Cultural Heritage
Kulturminne Ekofisk/Cultural Heritage Ekofisk (Ekofisk Oil Field)
Historic Sites Verdensarven RØros/ RØros World Heritage Site


[wpspoiler name=”Peru” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified
National Association
Industrial Museums


[wpspoiler name=”Poland” ]

National Representative Piotr Gerber

National Report National Report 2003-06
National Association TICCIH Poland

Conferences V International Scientific Student’s Workshop: “Technology in the history of civilization: thinking of the future”. Dzierzoniow, September 12-14, 2008. email: nadbor@pwr.wroc.plInternational Seminar: “The Future of technological Heritage”, Szczecin, October 2008. email: XXIMining, the Signs of Changes: World Mining Congress, Kraków-Katowice-Wieliczka, September 7-11, 2008.e-mail:
Conservation Association of Conservators of Monuments
00-464 Warszawa,
ul. Szwolezerow 9
The members of the organisation are the conservators of industrial monuments, security and conservation specialists. The organisation specializes in public commonwealth and cultural heritage.
Inventory National Heritage Board of Poland in Warsaw
Industrial Museums Fundacja Ochrony Dziedzictwa Przemysłowego Śląska

Museum of Mining in Zabrze
Museum of Żupy Krakowskie in Wieliczka
Museum of Copper in Legnica
Heritage Park of Oil Industry in Bóbrka
Central Textiles Museum in Łódź
Museum of Paper in Duszniki Zdrój
Museum of Technology and Textiles in Bielsko Biała
Museum of Railway in Warsaw
Museum of Road Design in Szczucin
Central Marine Museum in Gdańsk
Museum of Urban Engeneering in Kraków
Central Museum of Firefighting in Mysłowice
National Museum of Agriculture and Agriculture-Food Industry in Szreniawa
Museum of Postal Service and Telecommunication in Wrocław

Education Wrocław University of Technology
Postgraduate Courses in Heritage Management and Industrial Archaeology;
– Lectures in history of technology and industrial archeology;
– Interdepartamental Students’ Scientific Group for Technical Monuments’ Preservation HP Nadbor. (all three projects conducted by Prof. S. Januszewski)
Internet Foundation of the Open Technology Museum
Bibliography S. Januszewski, Zabytki techniki Dolnego Śląska (Technical Monuments in Lower Silesia), ODZ, Warszawa 1988,
E. Piątek, Historia dolnośląskiego górnictwa węgla kamiennego od XV do połowy XVIII wieku (The History of Lower Silesian Coal Mining Industry from the 15th to the middle of the 18th century), in: Scientific Research at the Institute of History of Architecture, Art and Technology at the Wrocław University of Technology, line: Monographs, Wrocław 1989
S. Januszewski, W.M. Telus, M. Wróblewski, Odra czasu Nadbora (the Odra River in the era of Nadbór), FOMT, Wrocław 2001
Kanał Ostródzko-Elbląski (Ostróda-Elbłag Canal), pod red. S. Januszewskiego, FOMT, Wrocław 2001
Dzieła techniki – dobra kultury (The Technology Products – the Cultural Heritage), pod red. S. Januszewskiego, FOMT, Wrocław 2001
E. Piątek, Z. Piątek, Górnictwo rud metali w Górach Sowich (Metal Ore Mining in Sowie Góry), Wrocław 2001
Górnictwo w czasie, przestrzeni (Mining in Space and Time) , kulturze, pod red. S. Januszewskiego, FOMT, Wroclaw 2007
Mosty (Bridges), pod red. J. Biliszczuka i S. Januszewskiego, FOMT, Wrocław 2007
Historic Sites Archeological Museum and Reserve „Krzemionki” near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Salt Mine in Wieliczka
Century Hall in Wrocław
Heritage Park of Mining Królowa Luiza in Zabrze
Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Complex of Steel Mill and Nail Factory in Maleniec
Elbląski Canal
Augustowski Canal
Industrial Settlement in Żyrardów
Central Water Route Junction upon the Odra River in Wrocław


[wpspoiler name=”Portugal” ]

National Representative Prof. José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro
President APP
National Report National report to TICCIH Congress 2006
National Association APPI – Associação Portuguesa para o Património Industrial
Journal Arqueologia Industrial
Conservation Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico
Inventory Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais
Industrial Museums Museu da Indústria Têxtil da Bacia do Ave
Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal
Museu da Pólvora Negra
Museu da Indústria de Chapelaria
Museu do Papel Terras de Santa Maria
Museu de Lanifícios
Museu da Água
Museu da Electricidade
Museu de Cerâmica de Sacavém
Museu das Comunicações
Museu da Cortiça da Fábrica do Inglês
Museu da Fábrica de Cimento Maceira-Liz
Museu de Electricidade “Casa da Luz”
Museu do Café da NOVADELTA
Museu do Carro Eléctrico
Museu do Trabalho Michel Giacometti
Museu do Vidro da Marinha Grande
Museu Nacional da Ciência e da Técnica Doutor Mário Silva
Museu Nacional do Azulejo
Museu Santos Barosa
Museu Nacional da Imprensa/Jornais e Artes Gráficas
Historic Sites Water-powered funicular


[wpspoiler name=”Romania” ]

National Representative Ioana-Irina Iamandescu
University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” in Bucharest
ICOMOS Romania Secretary
Calea Floreasca 136, ap.22, sector 1
014466 Bucharest
T: +40 745 041 402, + 40 21 3168570
National Report TICCIH Romanian Charter
National Association Romanian Association for Industrial Archaeology.
Founded in 2007. Mission Statement: industrial archaeology research; conservation and intrepretation of the industrial heritage; raising public awareness; getting the responsible authorities more actively engaged in the protection of the industrial heritage.
Conferences An International workshop on industrial archaeology is being organized every two years by the Historic Monuments Department in the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs in cooperation with ICOMOS Romania, and the Romanian Association for Industrial Archaeology.
See conference reports in TICCIH Bulletin no. 24 and 37The 6th workshop is to be held in April 2009
Journal There is no journal dedicated to the industrial heritage in Romania. The Museums Journal as well as the Historic Monuments Journal occasionally publish articles on the topic.
Conservation Department for Historic Monuments in the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
Inventory National Institute for Historic Monuments
Industrial Museums Technical Museum “Ing Dimitrie Leonida”, Bucharest
“Stefan Procopiu” Museum of Science and Tecnique, Iasi
“Astra” National Museum Complex, Sibiu
Romanian Railways Museum
Education University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest. Occasional Courses and Projects on Industrial Archaeology.
Historic Sites Anina Coalmine
Resita Blast Furnace
Assan Mill in Bucharest


[wpspoiler name=”Russia” ]

National Representative  There is currently no National Representative identified
Conservation MAPS
Moscow architecture preservation society


[wpspoiler name=”Slovenia” ]

National Representative Sonja Ifko
National Association Working Party for Industrial Heritage
Slovenska delovna skupina za varstvo industrijske dediscine


[wpspoiler name=”South Africa” ]

National Representative Dr. David Worth
Industrial Heritage
PO Box 34123
Rhodes Gift
South Africa
Dr David Worth
David Worth live
National Report
Internet David Worth Industrial Heritage blog


[wpspoiler name=”Spain” ]

National Representative Miguel Angel Alvarez Areces
President TICCIH España
National Report Plan Nacional de Patrimonio Industrial
Spanish National Plan for Industrial Heritage is a unique project to improve the protection of industrial heritage across the country. The project includes an inventory of 49 important industrial sites and the programme for their documentation and conservation
National Association TICCIH España
Journal There is no national publication covering industrial heritage in Spain.INCUNA publish a Bulletin with news on industrial archaeology in Spain and Europe. The Catalan Associacio del Museu de la Ciencia i de la Tecnica i Arqueologia Industrial AMCTAIC sends a quarterly newsletter. Revista de Historia Ferroviaria is a twice-yearly railway heritage journal.
Conservation INCUNA
Asociación Arqueología Industrial, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural
Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Asociación Vasca de Patrimonio Industrial y Obra Pública
Inventory Ministerio de Cultura
Industrial Museums Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya
Documentation Cooperation agreement between TICCIH España and ICOMOS España
Convenio p1
Convenio p2


[wpspoiler name=”Sweden” ]

National Representative Catarina Karlsson
Chairman Svenska Industriminnesföreningen
Historian, Swedish Steel Producer’s Association
National Report 2009-2012 Sweden 2012
National Report 2006-2009 Sweden 2009
National Association The Swedish Industrial Heritage Association (Svenska industriminnesföreningen) constitutes the Swedish section of TICCIH. Website:
Conservation  Conservation see website:
Inventory  Access to on-line inventories or catalogues of historic buildings.
Industrial Museums  The principal industrial museums and historic sites.
Industrial Heritage Site of the year Industrial Heritage Site of the Year
Education  See–forskning


[wpspoiler name=”Switzerland” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified
National Association SGTI
Swiss Society for the History of Technology and Industrial Heritage (in French) and (in German)
Conferences Swiss Society for the History of Technology and Industrial Heritage 1998, 2000, 2002
Journal In.Ku Industriekultur
Conservation NIKE-Industrial Heritage
Swiss Heritage Society
Industrial Museums Musées en Suisse
Documentation H.P. Bärtschi: Die Schweiz und das Industrielle Erbe- La Suisse et son Patrimoine Industriel. Basel 1998


[wpspoiler name=”Taiwan (Corresponding Nation)” ]

National Correspondent Dr. Hsiao-Wei Lin
Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University,
200 Chung-Pei Road, Chung-Li City 320, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-2656108 Fax: +886-3-2656199
Cultural Landscape Studio
National Association Heritage Society of Taiwan-TICCIH Taiwan section
Society of Architectural Historian of Taiwan
Journal =doViewNews&menuId=3507>Journal of Cultural Property Conservation Traditional Arts Bimonthly Magazine doViewNews&menuId=3506>
The Almanac of Taiwan Cultural Properties Conservation – cultural relics, ancient monument, historic building 

World Heritage Magazine
Industrial Museums National Taiwan Museum Ecological Park Science and Technology Museum Memorial Paper Museum Water Park Forestry Exhibition Hall, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Ceramics Museum Brewery‧Creative Park Mining Industry Museum Coal Mine Museum Municipal Glass Museum Creative and Cultural Park Glass Gallery Center, National Taiwan Craft Research Institute Salt Museum Salt Pan Ecological and Culture Village Pier-2 Art Center Sugar Museum Sugar Factory Tourism Sugar Factory Tourism Sugar Factory Sugar Factory Tsung-Yeh Art and Cultural Center
Education Department of Architecture Art Conservation, National Taiwan University of Arts Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology,
Tainan National University of the Arts of Cultural Heritage Conservation
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University of Architecture, National Taipei University of Technology of Architecture, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology of Architecture, China University of Technology
Internet Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage Council for Cultural Affairs of Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage Council for Cultural Affairs of Industrial Heritage e-Learning & Digital Archives Program, TELDAP of Taiwan Industrial Heritage in Taiwan
Bibliography The Introduction of Taiwan’s Industrial Heritage
Headquarters Administration of Culture Heritage, 2011, ISBN:978-986-03-1436-6
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act
Headquarters Administration of Culture Heritage, 2009, ISBN:978-986-01-9862-1
Sugar, Salt and Wine: Introduction to Industrial Heritage Rejuvenation in Taiwan
Headquarters Administration of Culture Heritage, 2003, ISBN:978-957-01-4422-2
Council Network Books for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan
Historic Sites Alishan Forest RailwayShuei-Jin-Jiou Mining SlatOld Mountain Line, Taiwan Railways Penghu Stone Fish WeirsIntroduction to Potential World Heritage Sites In Taiwan


[wpspoiler name=”Turkey” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified


[wpspoiler name=”United Kingdom” ]
United Kingdom

National Representative Mark Watson

Historic Environment Scotland
Salisbury Place,
Edinburgh EH9 1SH

United Kingdom
T: +44 0131668 8748
email: mark.watson(at)

National Association AIA (Association for Industrial Archaeology)
The national association for industrial archaeology in Great Britain, members get an annual conference, an academic journal (see below) twice a year and a quarterly Newsletter. Monitors changes to industrial sites and has an international outlook.
TICCIH GB is a separate grouping with the more limited aim of bringing together members of TICCIH resident in the British Isles. Its Secretary is Miriam McDonald []
Conferences The AIA annual conference is held in a different part of the country each year in association with local affiliated societies. Highlight is the Rolt Memorial Lecture in honour of Tom Rolt. A spring meeting is usually held at Ironbridge.
Journal Industrial Archaeology Review is a peer-reviewed academic journal produced by the AIA, with scholarly standards of presentation, yet seeks to encourage submissions from both amateurs and professionals which will inform all those working in the field of current developments. Emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of a subject in which fieldwork plays an essential part, including recording, surveying, excavation, interpretation, conservation and protective legislation.
Conservation Historic Scotland
Cadw Welsh Historic Monuments
English Heritage
Inventory English Heritage on-line resources
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
Royal Commission on Ancient Historic Monuments of Wales
Northern Ireland MBR
Industrial Museums TheScience Museum, London
Ironbridge Gorge Museum
Education Ironbridge Institute University of Birmingham
Museum Studies,University of Leicester
Internet Scottish Industrial Heritage Society
Newcomen Society
Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Ironbridge Institute
AIA links
Bibliography > Industrial Archaeology, Principles and Practice, Marilyn Palmer and Peter Neaverson, London, 1998
> The BP Book of Industrial Archaeology, Neil Cossons, Newton Abbot, 1975
> Perspectives on Industrial Archaeology, Ed. Neil Cossons, London, 2000


[wpspoiler name=”Uruguay” ]

National Representative There is currently no National Representative identified
National Correspondent René Boretto,


[wpspoiler name=”USA” ]

National Representative Bode Morin
The photos are from the Historic American Engineering Record, photos housed in the Library of Congress and publicly accessible).

National Association Society for Industrial Archaeology
The Society for Industrial Archeology through its publications, conferences, tours, and projects encourages the study, interpretation, and preservation of historically significant industrial sites, structures, artifacts, and technology. By providing a forum for the discussion and exchange of information, the Society advances an awareness and appreciation of the value of preserving our industrial heritage.
Conferences The SIA holds a late-spring Annual Conference. There are research papers and programs of social activities as well as the presentations of the General Tools Award and the Robert M Vogel Prize. The SIA also awards Student Travel Scholarships to help full-time students and professionals with less than three years experience to attend the conference. It runs a Fall Tour in another interesting location. Central to these gatherings are special tours of contemporary and historic industries.
Journal IA, The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology, is published twice yearly. IA is the principal forum for the publication of current research in industrial archeology. Each issue of this peer reviewed journal contains scholarly articles, essays and book reviews.
Inventory The National Register of Historic Places is the Nation\\\’s official list of historic places worthy of preservation, prepared by State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) in the 50 states as well as other entities. Its database,, can be searched by subject areas, date and location.
Numerous statewide inventories of industrial and engineering heritage were conducted in the 1970s and ‘80s under the auspices of the Historic American Engineering Record, usually with the SHPO. Many bridge inventories have also been prepared by State Highway Departments with the Federal Highway Administration.
The History and Heritage Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) maintains a list of Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks (both US and International).
Industrial Museums National Museum of Industrial History, Bethlehem, PA [in development]
American Textile History Museum, Lowell, MA and Franklinville, NC
National Canal Museum, Easton, PA
and numerous others.
Education MS and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Heritage and Archeology, Michigan Technological University
Documentation The Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) was established in 1969 by the National Park Service, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Library of Congress to document historic sites and structures related to engineering and industry. This agreement was later ratified by four other engineering societies: the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Appropriate subjects for documentation are individual sites or objects, such as a bridge, ship, or steel works; or larger systems, like railroads, canals, electronic generation and transmission networks, parkways and roads.
HAER Documentation, like that of its older sister program, the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), is deposited in the Library of Congress, where it can be consulted on line, at
Bibliography Gordon, Robert B. and Patrick M. Malone, 1994, The Texture of Industry, An Archaeological View of the Industrialization of North America. Oxford University Press, New York.


[wpspoiler name=”Venezuela” ]

National Representative
Lucia Sanchez
National Association Comité Venezolano Para la Conservación del Patrimonio Industrial



[wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
Choose a country from list on the left. You’ll find information about the conservation of the industrial heritage arranged in the following sections.

If you want to add or correct anything, just send the text to the editor:

National Representative
The name and address of the national representative chosen by the local TICCIH group.

National Report
The report prepared for the most recent TICCIH Congress. TICCIH National Reports from previous congresses represent an invaluable source of information.

National Association
The organisation or society that represents industrial archaeology.

Who organises national or international industrial archaeology conferences.

The main journal or magazine covering industrial archaeology.

National conservation organisations.

Access to on-line inventories or catalogues of historic buildings.

Industrial museums
The principal industrial museums and historic sites.

Graduate and post-graduate courses in industrial archaeology, heritage management, industrial and technical history.

Useful sites on the Internet.

Key texts, policy statements and charters.

A brief bibliography of the most important books and guides to the local industrial heritage.

Historic sites
A short list of significant and characteristic industrial sites.[/wpcol_1third_end]