Chinese Scholars Complete Industrial Heritage Encyclopedia

Chinese Scholars Complete Industrial Heritage Encyclopedia

Fu Caiwu and Sunny Han Han, two professors from Wuhan University in China, completed an important research work in May 2023. The Industrial Heritage sub-volume of “Encyclopedia of China” (Third Edition) compiled by the team led by them has officially passed the acceptance inspection, and open source use on the website of Encyclopedia of China. This is the world’s first industrial heritage encyclopedia.

“Encyclopedia of China” is one of the most important encyclopedias in the world. This is the first time to set up an industrial heritage sub-volume, which contains more than 1,000 entries. It is divided into general introduction, industrial heritage conference, industrial heritage organization, and industrial heritage museum, Industrial Heritage Documents, Industrial Heritage Books and Periodicals, Chinese Industrial Heritage Archives, Chinese Industrial Heritage, and Foreign Industrial Heritage, covering 9 branches, covering more than 400 industrial heritage sites around the world, with complete categories and distinctive features. Of course, it also includes multiple entries related to TICCIH .This sub-volume summarizes and defines for the first time several key academic concepts in the field of industrial heritage research, which has important reference value.

Sunny Han Han, born in 1985, was a historian and writer. He believes that the Encyclopedia of China is a work of knowledge popularization, and many of its contents are worthy of being disseminated in the form of stories. “The Encyclopedia of China is a work of popularizing knowledge, but industrial heritage is a field with stories, and it should be able to produce more widely popular works.”

In the process of compiling the encyclopedia, Sunny Han Han started to organize successful cases of Chinese industrial heritage. “There are many successful cases of industrial heritage reuse in China, and more than 200 of them have been included in the sub-volume of industrial heritage. I have selected 100 of them for in-depth research. They are very important to today’s world.”

The book is titled “A Hundred Stories: Industrial Heritage Changes China”. Its Chinese version is published by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, and the English version is published by ‎Palgrave Macmillan. This is the world’s first collection of Chinese industrial heritage cases published simultaneously in Chinese and English.

“Anyone interested in the way in which China approaches industrial heritage will find a multitude of fascinating examples in this volume underlining the importance of industrial heritage to the cultural policy of contemporary China”,Stefan Berger review this work, he is a professor of Social History at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and a member of the Academy of Europe.

“Industrial heritage has become a part of my life,” said Amal Zhuo Li, another editor of the book. She was born in 1996 and was a student of Fu Caiwu and Sunny Han Han. Now she is a Ph.D. student at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and one of the youngest industrial heritage scholars in China.