Portugal 22-24 May 2014 Congress on Industrial Heritage
II International Congress on Industrial Heritage
Heritage, Museums and Industrial Tourism: an opportunity for the 21st century
Catholic University – Foz Campus
Porto, 22-24th May 2014
Industrial Heritage is a broad field of study that is growing in Portugal and elsewhere. This Congress aims to contribute to its consolidation, encouraging researchers to share their experiences, and to assess the state of the art regarding practical application of the discipline’s concepts and methodological principles, and of other related disciplines. The presentation of practical work and methodological questions in the fields of Heritage, Archaeology, Museology and Industrial Tourism, understood in a wide array of situations and areas, is also proposed.
General topics:
1. Study, preservation and promotion of industrial heritage
2. Cultural landscapes of industrial heritage
3. Art and industrial heritage
4. Conservation and industrial heritage reuse
5. Industrial museums and conservation of technical and industrial collections
6. Industrial and business archives
7. Education and training in industrial heritage
8. Legal protection of industrial heritage
9. Inventories and registration of industrial heritage
10. Theory and methodology of industrial heritage and its archaeology
11. Industrial tourism
12. Geological and Mining heritage: study, preservation and reuse
Official languages:
Portuguese, Spanish and English
Prof.ª Eduarda Vieira
Escola das Artes, U.C.P. Porto
Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327 | 4169-005 Porto, Portugal
E-mail: evieira@porto.ucp.pt
Tel.: (+351) 226 19 62 40