

National Representative

Maria Mavroidi

National Association Inventory

Data base of the MInistry of Culture

Industrial Museums

Industrial Gasworks Museum
Mineralogical Museum of Lavrion
Museum of Industrial Olive Oil Production, Lesvos 
Museum of the Olive and the Greek Olive Oil, Sparta
Open-air Water Museum, Edessa
Open-air Water Power Museum, Dimitsana
Salt Museum, Mitilene
Silk Museum, Soufli


School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens – Postgraduate Course on the Conservation and Restauration of Historical Buildings and Monuments
Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, School of Architecture: Interdisciplinary programme “Protection, Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Monuments”
Network of Environmental Education : Educational Programmes regarding Industrial Heritage for primary and high- school students.


Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation(PIOP)
Odysseus, the www server of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture


Introduction of the History of the Industrial Heritage in Greece
The MInistry of Culture has prepared since the late 1980’s recording cards for the inventory of the Industrial Heritage.
The National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture– The Laboratory for Urban Environment, is developing, since 2005, a data base for the Industrial Heritage in Greece.
The Institute for Neohellenic Research (part of the National Research Center) has created several specialized data bases on thematic fields regarding Industrial Heritage.


ΥΠ.ΠΟ., Βιομηχανική Αρχαιολογία, Αθήνα 1989. (Industrial Archaeology) (in Greek)
Ε.Μ.Π.-Κ.Ν.Ε./Ε.Ι.Ε., (επιστ. Υπεύθυνοι Γ. Πολύζος, Β. Παναγιωτόπουλος), Ιστορικός Βιομηχανικός Εξοπλισμός στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα 1998. (Industrial Historical Equipment in Greece) (in Greek with English Summary)
ΥΠ.ΠΟ./ΔΙΛΑΜ-ΕΝΜ, Βιομηχανικά μνημεία της Ελλάδας, Αθήνα, 1999. (Industrial Monuments of Greece) (in Greek)
Maritime Technologies-Mining Landscapes, TICCIH 10th International Conference, Athens-Thessaloniki 1997, Transactions, ed. TICCIH Greek Edition, ed. Agriantoni C.
Agriantoni, Christina (1994), Spaniolika et Kyprianos: deux petites cit és ouvrières à Lavrion. Laon, CILAC, p.143-152, L’Archéologie Industrielle en France. 24-25
Agriantoni, Christina (2000), Valorisation du Patrimoine Industriel de Thermoupolis, Projets et Premiéres Réalisations. Le Creusot, TICCIH, Ecomusée CULD,Patrimoine de l’Industrie: Ressources, Pratiques, Cultures v4, 2000 p.55-62
Belavilas, NIkos (2002), The Port of Piraeus from 1835 to 2004. Paris, TICCIH, 2002 p.75-82
Demiri K. (1992), Greek Textile Mills, Historical and Typological Research, Athens, eds. PIOP (in Greek with English Summary)
Georgoulis, Panagiotis (2005), Industrial Heritage of Thessaloniki: from the 19th till the mid of the 20th century
Limona-Trebela, Eleni (1983), Windmills of the Aegean Sea. Reading, TIMS, 1983.27, illus. (eng), Already published in Texnika Xronika, vol. 4, 574.
Vaos Z., Nomikos S., (1993), Windmills of the Cycladic Islands, eds. Dodoni, (in Greek with English Summary)
Zacharopoulou, Georgia (2004), Towards the “intergrated conservation” of the “lime village”: Asvestochori, Thessaloniki, Greece. Paris, TICCIH, 2004 p.98-107 (Patrimoine de l’Industrie: Ressources, Pratiques, Cultures 11)

Historic Sites

Pendeli Quarry, Athens
Lavrion Mines (Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park)
Technopolis and the Old Gas Factory, Athens
List of Industrial Monuments and Workshops in Greece, from the Hellenic MInistry of Culture
Lake Copais Co. Waterworks Area (Aliartos and Orthomenos)
Edessa Textile Factories and Pre-Industrial Waterpowered Mills Area (Central Macedonia)
Textile Factories in the City of Naoussa (Central Macedonia)
Old Port Area, Customs House and Warehouses in Thessaloniki
Tobacco Warehouses in the cities of Xanthi, Drama, Kavala and Volos
Silk Production Houses, Warehouses and Silk Textile Factory in Soufli (Trace)
Olive-oil Presses, Soap Factories and Tanneries in the Island of Lesvos
Pre-Industrial Waterpowered Mills and Stone bridges in Epirus
Railways network in Thessaly and Mount Pelion narrow gorge line (Volos -Milies line)
Wine Production complex in Patras (Peloponnese)
Railways network in Peloponnese
Lighthouses network in the Aegean Islands
Wind-Mills in the Aegean Islands
Ship yard and Old Industrial Zone in Hermoupolis, Syros (Cyclades Islands)