7th International Industrial Heritage Conference Rijeka, Croatia 19th – 21st May 2016
Call for Papers/Call for Participation in the Conference Programme
PRO TORPEDO Rijeka, Croatia
Conference web site: torpedo150rijeka.org
7th International Industrial Heritage Conference
Conference main topic
150th Anniversary of the Invention of the “Luppis-Whitehead” Torpedo
Rijeka, Croatia, 19th – 21st of May, 2016
Conference venue
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Engineering,
Vukovarska 58, Rijeka
Conference language: English
Summaries and papers language: English
Summaries instructions:
Summary of up to 300 words, and up to 6 key words. Summary of paper should include: authors name, title of summary, organization/affiliation, authors e-mail address. Deadline for submitting summary, not later than: January 1st, 2016
Organizer notification of acceptance of summary up to: March 1st, 2016
Information on papers and posters:
Authors with an accepted summary should submit a paper in length of up to 10.000 words, with up to 10 illustrations, photos, tables, drawings, etc.
The deadline for submitting papers to the conference organizer is May 1st, 2016. Papers should be sent to the conference organizer in digital form (MS Word) addressed to conference mail addresses.
The deadline for submitting the poster proposal is May 1st, 2016. Authors of accepted posters may bring their posters with them to the conference on May 18th, 2016. The format for posters is 70×100 cm (portrait format).
Oral presentation with Power Point, 15 minutes maximum.
Registration fee for all conference participants:
Until January 1st, 2016, 200 Euros, Until May1st, 2016, 250 Euros, At the conference, May 18-21st, 2016, 300 Euros.
The conference organizer will reduce, upon request, the conference fee for students, who will submit their paper on any torpedo heritage topic. After the conference, the conference organizer will publish, in paper or CD/DVD form, the Conference Proceedings with all presented papers and posters, and the most distinguished selection will be published on its web site.
Hotel booking and tourist information:
RB TRAVEL d.o.o., A. Medulića 8/I, 51000 Rijeka
phone: +385(0)51-316-010, fax: +385(0)51-316-011
e-mail: info@rb-travel.hr
Conference information and registration:
Miljenko Smokvina, president of the organizing committee
Maja Ogrizović, secretary of the organizing committee
Conference web site: torpedo150rijeka.org
The conference will be organized under the high patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia, H.E. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović
Organized by: PRO TORPEDO Rijeka
Society for Promotion and Protection of Rijeka’s Industrial Heritage and University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering.