10th ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF TOMIOKA SILK MILL AND RELATED SITES 10-11 January 2025 Gumma Ongaku Center, Takasaki City Gallery, Japan Conference website: https://www.heritahttps://www.heritage-ecosystem.com/html/en/tem.com/html/en/ 2024…

ANIH International Webinar DIVERSE CULTURAL VESSELS OF SUSTAINABLE WATER HERITAGE FROM ASIA 29 July 2024, 2 p.m. Online Event In 2018, the UNESCO International Hydrological…

Photo Caption: The Remains of The English Khawaja Carver’s Ginning Mill Inaugurated In 1896 In the City of Al-Mahallah Al-Kubrah (photo by Mostafa Aboshamia) TICCIH…

Nuevos retos para la conservación y reúso del patrimonio industrial de México y de las Américas en el siglo XXI Entre el 4 y 6…

Trento, Italy and Online Via Zoom 12 April 2024 14.00 Rome time As part of the activities of the project “Viaducts, bridges and railways across…

Key Recommendations from the Conference “Industrial Heritage in the Green Heart of Europe” Industrial heritage is a significant part of the heritage landscape both here…

Arquitectura Industrial I Molinos Industria harinera: Agua, Tipo y Técnica de la “Convocatoria nacional de apoyo y difusión de conocimiento mediante Proyectos de investigación, creación…

The University of Sarajevo – Pedagogical Academy and the ICOMOS National Committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina are pleased to invite you to the round table…

Mapa colaborativo del Patrimonio Industrial en América Latina y el Caribe & 2nd TICCIH GLOBAL MEMBERS MEETING Miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023, 11.00 –…

Fu Caiwu and Sunny Han Han, two professors from Wuhan University in China, completed an important research work in May 2023. The Industrial Heritage sub-volume…