National Representative
Mgr. Jan Zikmund, Ph.D.
Research Centre for Industrial Heritage (VCPD)
Thakurova 9, Praha 6,
CZ 166 34
Czech Republic
T: +420 224 356 253
National Report
National Report for the TICCIH 2006 CongressConferences4th International Biennial Vestiges of Industry 2007
Research Centre for Industrial Heritage, an independent research body of the Czech Technical University of Prague.
Heritage Conservation Department, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Industrial Museums
Ekotechnické Muzeum (Ecotechnical Museum, Prague)
Mining Museum, Pribram
Brewery Museum, Pilsen
Mining Museum, Ostrava
Michal Mine, Ostrava
Miner’s Museum, Mayrau Open-air Museum, Solvay’s Quarry
National Technical Museum
Technical Museum, Brno
Doctoral study in connection with the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Civil Engineering.(Sustainable Development and Industrial Heritage).
Heritage Conservation Department, Ministry of Culture
Hana Hlušičková (ed.), Technické památky v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku. I.-IV (Technical Monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Vols. I-IV). Prague 2001, 2002, 2003,2004.
Vladislava Valchářová (ed.), Industriální stopy: Dvanáct ohrožených. (Vestiges of Industry. Twelve at Risk) VCPD ČVUT. Prague 2003.
Mojmír Krejčiřík, Česká nádraží – architektura a stavební vývoj, I., II. (Czech Railway
Stations – architecture and development, Vols. I-II). Litoměřice 2003, 2005.
Pavel Jákl, Encyklopedie pivovarů Čech, Moravy a Slezska.I.(Encyklopedia of Czech,
Moravian and Silesian Breweries. Vol. I.). Prague 2004.
Kol. autorů, Stavební kniha 2005. Meziválečná průmyslová architektura (Book of
Construction 2005. Interwar Industrial Architecture). Brno 2005.
Benjamin Fragner – Alena Hanzlová, Industriální stopy / Vestiges of Industry. Exhibition volume. Prague 2005.
Lukáš Beran – Vladislava Valchářová (eds.), Industrial Prague. Technical Buildings and
Industrial Architecture in Prague. VCPDCTU. Prague 2006.
Eva Dvořáková – Benjamin Fragner – Tomáš Šenberger, Industriál_paměť_východiska (Industry_memory_perception). Prague 2007.
Kol. autorů, Stavební kniha 2007. České a moravské pivovary.Stavební dědictví
tradičního výrobního odvětví (Book of Constructions 2007. Breweries in Bohemia
and Moravia. The structural heritage of traditional production sectors). Brno 2007.
Lukáš Beran – Vladislava Valchářová (eds.), Industriál Libereckého kraje. Technické
stavby a průmyslová architektura (Industrial Liberec Region. Technical Buildings
and Industrial Architecture in Liberec Region).VCPD ČVUT. Prague 2007.
Historic Sites
Waterworks in Prague-Podoli
Sewage Plant in Bubenec, Prague
Textile Factory in Chrastava
Waterworks in Podebrady
Ironworks in Kladno
Ironworks in Ostrava-Vitkovice
Brewery in Prague – Branik
Brewery in Žatec