3rd International congress on industrial heritage (Lisbon, 17-19 June 2016) Call for Papers
The congress will take place at Universidade LusÃada de Lisboa installations.
The de-industrialization phenomenon of recente decades has created a large number of vacant industrial sites for which is necessary to find a solution other than demolition.
Their restoration and re-use are possible and appropriate measures that can avoid such loss and destruction, with advantages for the preservation of historical memory, the urban equilibrium and regeneration of economically depressed areas.
As main theme, this 3rd Congress proposes the presentation of pratical examples and methodological reflections in the field of re – use of industrial sites, as well as approaches in other subject areas, such as Heritage, Archaeology, Museology and Industrial Tourism.
Main theme:
Reuse of industrial sites: a challenge for heritage conservation
General themes:
- Study, preservetion and promotion of industrial heritage;
Theory and methodology of industrial heritage and its archaeology; - Conservation and restoration of industrial heritage;
Cultural landscapes of industrial heritage; - Industrial museums and conservation of technical and industrial collections;
- Inventories of industrial heritage;
- Legal protection of industrial heritage;
- Education and training in industrial heritage;
- Industrial tourism;
- Railway heritage;
- Art and industrial heritage;
- Geological and Mining heritage: study, preservation and reuse;
- Company archives;
- Industrial archaeology and industrial heritage: future directions.
- Abstract submission:
Title (communication, poster); - Name(s) of the author(s);
- Maximum of 500 words (source: Verdana, size 12);
- Written in Portuguese, Spanish or English;
Five keywords; - CV of the authors (maximum length 1 page);
- Mention of affiliation is mandatory;
- In case of communications with several authors, must indicate the author for correspondence and respective email and telefone contacts;
- Each author may not submit more than two papers.
Note: In case of acceptance for presentation, full academic papers are expected by May 3rd 2016.
- The abstracts and texts (oral or posters) must respect the guidelines addressed to the authors.
- Papers are subjected to a double-blind pier view process.