Panel Discussion in Sarajevo
The University of Sarajevo – Pedagogical Academy and the ICOMOS National Committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina are pleased to invite you to the round table “Perspectives of Industrial Heritage” which will be held on Friday, December 15, 2023. at 9:30 AM (CET) in the Urban Studio Design in Sarajevo (Vrazova Street 3). Please see the program below.
The event can also be attended online with a prior notice at the following email: industrijanaslijede23@gmail.com
Patronage: Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Culture of Sarajevo Canton
Description: International organizations dedicated to heritage preservation are currently grappling with finding solutions on how the preservation of cultural heritage can drive climate actions. They promote heritage’s role as a catalyst for sustainable development. However, certain countries in the region fail to recognize the significance of industrial heritage, which stands as undeniable evidence of the industrialization process—the most significant economic and social revolution in human history. This cultural category remains neglected, with its historical, social, scientific, and aesthetic values not fully embraced. The demolition of one of the most significant industrial monuments, the Electric Power Plant in Sarajevo, necessitates urgent action from the academic community to highlight the importance and value of this cultural heritage. The upcoming round table aims to gather professionals and scientists from countries sharing a common industrial past with Bosnia and Herzegovina, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange in industrial heritage protection. This planned academic discourse serves as the initial step in raising public awareness of this significant heritage as part of the national and universal legacy.
Note: the event will be held in native languages of the participants