European Steel and Coal Heritage - Katowice, Poland

European Steel and Coal Heritage – Katowice, Poland

10-11 April 2025
Katowice, Poland

‘European Steel and Coal Heritage’ conference, to be held in Poland at Katowice on 10-11 April 2025.
Organised by TICCIH Poland, the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the National Heritage Institute and the Working Industrial and Mobile Heritage Platform (WIMH), the event is also supported by the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Polish Ministry of Industry, the Marshal of Silesia and Europa Nostra.

The conference will focus on Coal and Steel heritage, and in particular on securing modest long-term fossil fuel supplies for working and mobile heritage, with a focus on potentially retaining some existing coal production in Poland for this purpose. Other issues will include the adaptive re-use of former industrial sites and the role of industrial heritage in sustainable regeneration. The meeting will also continue discussions aimed at creating TICCIH Europe’. Speakers include TICCIH Board members Massimo Preite and Miles Oglethorpe, together with representatives from FedecRail, FIVA, ERIH and Europa Nostra. In addition, there will be a study tour to Marcel and Ignacy Coal mines, including a trip underground.