都柏林準則 (繁體中文) The Dublin Principles (Traditional Chinese)

都柏林準則 (繁體中文)

The Dublin Principles (Traditional Chinese)

Joint ICOMOS – TICCIH Principles for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage Sites, Structures, Areas and Landscapes

Adopted by the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly on 28 November 2011

翻譯:馬雨墨 (Yu Mo Ma)    審閱:周嵐 (Lan Zhou)   林曉薇 (Hsiao-Wei Lin)



Around the World, a great diversity of sites, structures, complexes, cities and settlements, areas, landscapes and routes bear witness to human activities of industrial extraction and production. In many places, this heritage is still in use and industrialisation is still an active process with a sense of historical continuity, while in other places it offers archaeological evidence of past activities and technologies. Besides the tangible heritage associated with industrial technology and processes, engineering, architecture and town-planning, it includes many intangible dimensions embodied in the skills, memories and social life of workers and their communities.


The global process of industrialisation observed over the past two centuries constitutes a major stage of human history, making its heritage particularly important and critical to the Modern World. Precursors and beginnings of industrialisation can be recognized in many parts of the world well back into ancient times through active or archaeological sites, and our attention extends to any examples of such process and its heritage. However, for our purposes, these joint principles’ primary interests coincide with the common notions of the Modern Era Industrial Revolution, marked by distinctive and dedicated production, transportation and power‐generating or harnessing processes and technologies, trade and commercial interactions, and new social and cultural patterns.


The industrial heritage is highly vulnerable and often at risk, often lost for lack of awareness, documentation, recognition or protection but also because of changing economic trends, negative perceptions, environmental issues or its sheer size and complexity. Yet, by extending the life‐cycle of existing structures and their embodied energy, conservation of the built industrial heritage, can contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable development at the local, national and international levels. It touches the social as well as the physical and environmental aspects of development and should be acknowledged as such.

過去幾十年中,關於工業遺產的研究、國際和跨學科的合作以及社會團體的行動越來越多,人們對工業遺產的重視程度與日俱增的增長,已經為提高工業遺產的評價水準做出了貢獻,並增進了管理者、利益者和專業人士之間的協作。這一進步得益於國際文化紀念物暨歷史場所委員會(ICOMOS)頒佈的一系列國際參考文獻文集和導則以及一些國際性建議和保護措施的實施,比如聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)1972年通過的《世界遺產公約》。2003年,國際工業遺產保護委員會 (TICCIH) 通過了《關於工業遺產的下塔吉爾憲章》,這是世界上公認的第一部致力於指導保護和保存工業遺產的國際公約。

Over the past decades, growing research, international and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as community initiatives have greatly contributed to a better appreciation of the industrial heritage and increased collaboration between stewards, stakeholders and professionals. This progress has benefitted from the development of a corpus of international references and guidelines by ICOMOS – the International Council on Monuments and Sites, and the implementation of international recommendations and instruments such as the World Heritage Convention adopted by UNESCO in 1972. In 2003, The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) adopted its Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage, a first international reference text of such recognition to guide protection and conservation in the field.


Acknowledging the particular nature of the industrial heritage and the issues and threats affecting it as a result of its relation to the contemporary economic, legal, cultural and environmental contexts, ICOMOS and TICCIH wish to expand their cooperation by adopting and promoting the dissemination and use of the following Principles to assist in the documentation, protection, conservation and appreciation of industrial heritage as part of the heritage of human societies around the World.

(1) 定義:工業遺產包括遺址、構築物、複合體、區域和景觀,以及相關的機械、物件或檔案,作為過去曾經有過或現在正在進行的工業生產、原材料萃取、商品化以及相關的能源和運輸的基礎設施建設過程的證據。工業遺產反映了文化和自然環境之間的深刻聯繫:無論工業流程是原始的還是現代的,均依賴於原材料、能源和運輸網路等自然資源,以生產產品並分銷產品至更廣闊的市場。工業遺產分為有形遺產,包括可移動和不可移動的遺產,和無形遺產的維度,例如:技術工藝知識、工作組織和工人組織,以及複雜的社會和文化傳統,這些文化財富塑造了社群生活,給整個社會和全世界帶來了結構性改變。

(1) Definition: The industrial heritage consists of sites, structures, complexes, areas and landscapes as well as the related machinery, objects or documents that provide evidence of past or ongoing industrial processes of production, the extraction of raw materials, their transformation into goods, and the related energy and transport infrastructures. Industrial heritage reflects the profound connection between the cultural and natural environment, as industrial processes – whether ancient or modern – depend on natural sources of raw materials, energy and transportation networks to produce and distribute products to broader markets. It includes both material assets – immovable and movable –, and intangible dimensions such as technical know‐how, the organisation of work and workers, and the complex social and cultural legacy that shaped the life of communities and brought major organizational changes to entire societies and the world in general.

(2) 從其在歷史中的用途、設計和演進來看,工業廠址極具多樣性。許多工業廠址是工藝流程、技術以及區域或歷史條件下的典型代表,而另一些則成為有全球影響力的卓越作品。除此之外,還有一些複合體和構件相對獨立的各種遺址或系統,同時展現了不同的技術構成和歷史時段。工業遺產的意義和價值內化於建築或遺址自身中,包括物質構造、構件、機械和佈局,以工業景觀和書面檔案,以及記憶、藝術和風俗等無形的檔案記錄等作為呈現方式。

(2) Industrial heritage sites are very diversified in terms of their purpose, design and evolution over time. Many are representative of processes, technologies as well as regional or historical conditions while others constitute outstanding achievements of global influence. Others are complexes and multiple site operations or systems whose many components are interdependent, with different technologies and historical periods frequently present. The significance and value of industrial heritage is intrinsic to the structures or sites themselves, their material fabric, components, machinery and setting, expressed in the industrial landscape, in written documentation, and also in the intangible records contained in memories, arts and customs.

I – 存檔並理解工業遺產構築物、廠址、區域和景觀及其價值
I Document and understand industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes and their values

(3) 研究和記錄工業構築物、廠址、景觀和相關的機械、設備、記錄或無形遺存的研究和記錄,對它們的識別、保護以及遺產意義和價值的評價極為重要。蘊藏在舊工業工藝流程中的人類技能和知識是遺產保護中至為重要的資源並應當在其價值評價過程中予以充分考慮。

(3) Researching and documenting industrial structures, sites, landscapes and the related machinery, equipment, records or intangible aspects is essential to their identification, conservation, and the appreciation of their heritage significance and value. Human skills and knowledge involved in old industrial processes are a critically important resource in conservation and must be considered in the heritage evaluation process.

(4) 研究和記錄工業遺產和構築物必須著重於它們的歷史、技術和社會經濟維度,以為保護和管理提供完整的基礎。這需要基於交叉學科研究和教育項目的跨學科方法,以認定其工業廠址或構築物的重要意義。這項工作將受益於專業知識和資訊的多樣化,包括:廠址調查和記錄、歷史和考古的考察、材料和景觀的分析、口述歷史和/或公共的、機構的或個人的檔案研究。應當鼓勵對於檔案記錄、公司檔案、構築物規劃、產品樣本的研究和保存。對文獻檔案的評價和評估應當由相關產業的適當專家來確定其遺產重要性。社區和其他利益相關者的參與也是行動中不可或缺的一部分。

(4) Researching and documenting industrial heritage sites and structures must address their historical, technological and socio‐economical dimensions to provide an integrated base for conservation and management. It requires an interdisciplinary approach supported by interdisciplinary research and educational programmes to identify the significance of industrial heritage sites or structures. It should benefit from a diversity of sources of expertise and information including site surveys and recording, historical and archaeological investigation, material and landscape analysis, oral history and/or research in public, corporate or private archives. Research and preservation of documentary records, company archives, building plans, and specimens of industrial products should be encouraged. The evaluation and assessment of documents should be undertaken by an appropriate specialist in the industry to which they relate to determine their heritage significance. The participation of communities and other stakeholders is also an integral part of this exercise.

(5) 對區域或國家的工業史、社會經濟史及其與世界的聯繫和交流歷程的透徹瞭解,對於理解工業遺存廠址和構築物的意義是有必要的。針對關鍵性的工業部門或技術,單一產業語境研究、類型學和區域性的比較研究,非常有助於我們認知蘊藏在單體構築物、廠址、區域和景觀上的價值。這些資源應當提供公眾、學者和管理者接觸和查詢。

(5) Thorough knowledge of the industrial and socioeconomic history of an area or country or their links to other parts of the world is necessary to understand the significance of industrial heritage sites or structures. Single industry context, typological or regional studies, with a comparative component, aimed at key industrial sectors or technologies are very useful in recognizing the heritage values inherent in individual structures, sites, areas or landscapes. They should be accessible and searchable by the public, scholars as well as managers.

II – 確保有效保衛和保護工業遺產的構築物、廠址、區域和景觀
II Ensure effective protection and conservation of the industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes

(6) 工業遺產廠址的保護應當採取並施用適宜的政策、法律和管理手段以保衛工業遺產廠址和構築物,並確保包括機械和記錄在內。這些手段應當強調工業遺產、工業產品和經濟之間的緊密聯繫,尤其是對公司的規則和投資、貿易或者智力財富(例如:專利以及適用於運作中工業之標準)的尊重。

(6) Appropriate policies, legal and administrative measures need to be adopted and adequately implemented to protect and ensure the conservation of industrial heritage sites and structures, including their machinery and records. These measures have to address the close relation between the industrial heritage, industrial production and the economy, in particular with respect to rules for corporations and investments, trades or intellectual property such as patents, and standards applicable to active industrial operations.

(7) 整合性清查並列出構築物、廠址、區域和景觀以及相關的物件、檔案、圖紙和檔案或者無形遺產清單,以作為有效地管理和保存政策和保衛手段的一部分加以拓展和利用。這些材料應受到法律的認可和充足的保護管理,以確保他們的意義、完整性和真實性得以維持。因意外發現而認定的工業遺產,應當採取臨時的保護措施,為適當的遺產存檔和研究留出足夠的時間。

(7) Integrated inventories and lists of structures, sites, areas, landscapes their setting and associated objects, documents, drawings and archives or intangible heritage should be developed and used as part of these effective management and conservation policies and protection measures. These should benefit from a legal recognition, adequate conservation and management to ensure that their significance, integrity and authenticity are maintained. In the case of industrial heritage identified through fortuitous discovery, temporary protection should be granted to allow time necessary for proper heritage documentation and research.

(8) 對於有遺產價值的運作中工業構築物或者廠址,必須認識到,作為生活製造或開採設備,它們的用途和功能的延續承載著他們某些遺產價值並為材料和經濟的可持續發展提供適宜條件。在對應來自自然或人類的災害,實施當代構築物章程、環境規範或降低風險策略等制度時,需要尊重其具體的技術特點和功能。

(8) In the case of active industrial structures or sites of heritage significance, it must be recognized that their continued use and function might carry some of their heritage significance and provide adequate conditions for their physical and economic sustainability as a living production or extraction facilities. Their specific technical characteristics and features need to be respected while implementing contemporary regulations such as building codes, environmental requirements or risk reduction strategies to address hazards of natural or human origin.

(9) 鑒於體量和功能的完整性對與工業遺產的構築物和廠址非常重要,應當對構築物及其內容施以保護手段。如果機械裝置或其他重要的構件被移除,或者構成完整廠址的附屬元素被破壞,遺產價值可能會極大地破壞或降低。應當建立健全法律和管理體系,賦予其迅速反應的許可權,在工業遺產廠址關停時,使設備、工業物件和其他相關記錄等關鍵元素免遭移除或毀壞。

(9) Protection measures should apply to buildings and their contents since completeness or functional integrity is especially important to the significance of industrial heritage structures and sites. Their heritage value may be greatly jeopardized or reduced if machinery or other significant components are removed, or if subsidiary elements which form part of a whole site are destroyed. Legal and administrative frameworks should be developed to enable authorities to respond quickly to the closure of operating industrial heritage sites and complexes to prevent removal or destruction of significant elements such as machinery, industrial objects or related records.

III – 保護和維護工業遺產構築物、廠址、區域和景觀
III Conserve and maintain the industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes

(10) 適宜的原狀或者改變並再利用是最常用,也是保護工業遺產廠址或構築物最可持續的方法。新的用途應當尊重重要的材料、構件和流通和運轉模式。為了確保在工業遺產廠址和構築物的可持續利用管理中,遺產價值得以充分考慮和尊重,專門的技能是必須的。當建築規範、降低風險的要求、環境或行業法規以及其他標準需要通過本體干預強制落實時,應當將遺產的維度納入考慮,以適宜的方法來實施這些規範。

(10) Appropriate original or alternative and adaptive use is the most frequent way and often the most sustainable way of ensuring the conservation of industrial heritage sites or structures. New uses should respect significant material, components and patterns of circulation and activity. Specialist skills are necessary to ensure that the heritage significance is taken into account and respected in managing the sustainable use of these industrial heritage sites and structures. Building codes, risk mitigation requirements, environmental or industrial regulations, and other standards should be implemented in an adapted way to take heritage dimensions into account when they are enforced through physical interventions.

(11) 對本體的干預要盡可能的可逆,並尊重其年代價值和有重要意義的軌跡和標記。應當記錄所有改動。在基於教育目的的特殊情況下,恢復到先前已知的狀態是可以接受的,這種恢復必須基於透徹的研究和存檔。僅在已證明的經濟或社會絕對需求的特殊情況下,解體和遷址可以接受的。

(11) Wherever possible, physical interventions should be reversible, and respect the age value and significant traces or marks. Changes should be documented. Reverting to a previous known state may be acceptable under exceptional circumstances for educational purposes, and must be based on thorough research and documentation. Dismantling and relocating are only acceptable in extraordinary cases when the destruction of the site is required by objectively proved overwhelming economic or social needs.

IV – 呈現與傳達遺產維度、工業構築物、廠址、區域和景觀價值以提高公眾和企業的認知並支持培訓和研究
IV Present and communicate the heritage dimensions and values of industrial structures, sites, areas and landscapes to raise public and corporate awareness, and support training and research

(12) 為應對工業遺產廠址或構築物未來的淘汰、停運和/或改造的情況下,應當記錄包括拆除的構件或者搬遷的機械在內的過程。它們的物質形式、功能和位置,作為工藝流程的一部分應當詳盡記載。與工作流程相關人物的口頭和/或書面的故事也應予以收集。

(12) In case of prospective redundancy, decommissioning, and / or adaptation of industrial heritage sites or structures, the processes should be recorded including, for example, where components have to be demolished and machinery has to be removed. Their material form as well as their functioning and location as part of the industrial processes should be exhaustively documented. Oral and / or written stories of people connected with work processes should also be collected.

(13) 工業遺產是需要多面向溝通學習的資源。它顯示了隨著時間的流逝,國際、國內以及地方歷史和交流互動等重要資訊。它展示了關於科學和技術發展,以及社會和藝術活動的創造才華。公眾和企業對工業遺產的認知和瞭解是其成功保護的重要手段。

(13) The industrial heritage is a source of learning which needs to be communicated in its multiple dimensions. It illustrates important aspects of local, national and international history and interactions over times and cultures. It demonstrates the inventive talents related to scientific and technological developments, as well as social and artistic movements. Public and corporate awareness and understanding for the industrial heritage are important means for its successful conservation.

(14) 應當延續發展一些項目和設施,比如:參觀運作中工業遺產廠址和運作,以及與歷史、機械、工藝流程、工業或城市博物館和解釋中心、展覽、出版物、網站、區域的或跨境的路線、相關故事等無形遺產的展示,作為提高人們關於工業遺產對當代社會豐富意義的認知和評價水準的手段。理想情況下,這些專案和設施設置於那些工業化進程已經發生的原址並有最好傳達的地區。在有可能的情況下,遺產研究和保護領域的國內外機構應有權使用這些項目和設施,以作為大眾和專業團體的教育用途。

(14) Programmes and facilities such as visits of active industrial heritage sites and the presentation of their operations as well as the stories and intangible heritage associated with their history, machinery and industrial processes, industrial or city museums and interpretation centres, exhibitions, publications, websites, regional or trans‐boundary itineraries should be developed and sustained as means to raise awareness and appreciation for the industrial heritage in the full richness of its meaning for contemporary societies. These should ideally be located at the heritage sites itself where the process of industrialisation has taken place and can be best communicated. Wherever possible, national and international institutions in the field of research and conservation of heritage should be empowered to use them as educational facilities for the general public and the professional communities.